1. Biodiversity Club organised World En- vironment Day Celebrations on the 6th and 7th of June 2016. Planting of fruit trees in the Shantistall and also in the college premises was done on June 6th. Distribution of Curry leaves seedlings to students and all staff members was done on the same day.
2. A talk on Wetland flora of Vaikom and its Conservation by Prof P. Sreekumari, Former HOD of the Department was organized on the 7th of June that motivated the students on the need for conser- vation of wetlands.
3. Preparation and distribution of our tra- ditional ‘Karkidaka Kanji’ was a novel practice done taken up by the members of by Biodiversity Club. This was con- ducted on the 4th of August 2016.
4. Exhibition cum sale of our locally avail- able Medicinal plants and seedlings was also carried out on the same day.

Co ordinator : Dr. Arathy M S