Dr. Sumithra Sivadas Menon

1. Sumithra Sivadas Menon, Hafeez Yusuf Hafeez, Bhavana Gupta, K. Baskar, Gopal Bhalerao, Shamima Hussain, Bernaurdshaw Neppolian & Shubra Singh 2019, ‘ZnO:InN oxynitride: A novel and unconventional photocatalyst for efficient UV–visible light driven hydrogen evolution from water’, Renewable Energy, vol. 141, pp. 760-769.  2. Sumithra Sivadas Menon, Gopal Bhalerao, Bhavana Gupta, K. Baskar & Shubra […]

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Dr. Anvy Moly Tom

Academic History(in reverse chronological order) Research Interest My research interests can be broadly categorized into two areas. Firstly, I use statistical mechanicsand computer simulations to gain insights into soft matter systems. Secondly, I aim to understand theorigin and evolution of perturbations in early universe scenarios. Publications (Reverse Chronological Order) Sl. No Title Journal Volume Page […]

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